Teaching Resources

This page is the complete compilation of materials needed to teach this curriculum, as well as additional resources for teachers. It is all on one page for ease of access.

Unit 0: What is AI?

TopicRequired LinksHelpful Resources (for Teachers)
What is AI?
• Examples of AI
• Components of AI
• Examples of AI
Main Script
Main Slides
Explore AI Journal
AI Matching Game
AI or Not
Algorithms as Opinions
• Algorithms
• What it means to be the "best"
Main Script
Main Slides
Best PB&J Algorithm
Ethical Matrix
• Ethical Matrices
• Stakeholders
• Values
• Algorithm Purposes
Main Script
Main Slides
PB&J Ethical Matrix
Decision Trees
• Decision Trees
• Classifying Data
• Nodes
• Leaves
Main Script
Main Slides
Investigating Bias
• Bias in AI
• Fairness
• Bias in Common AI Technologies
Main Script
Main Slides
Exploring AI Bias

Unit 1: Supervised Machine Learning

TopicRequired LinksHelpful Resources (for Teachers)
Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning
• Datasets
• Biased Datasets
• Teachable Machines
• Equal Representation
• Components of AI
• Application of AI
• Algorithm
• Scratch
Main Script
Main Slides
Teachable Machines 1
Teachable Machines 2
Teachable Machines Recap
Teachable Machines Project
Neural Networks
• Neural Networks
• Role of Nodes
• Layers of Neural Networks
Main Script
Main Slides
Neural Network Game
Classifying AI vs. Generating AI
• Classifier
• Generator
Main Script
Main Slides
Color Matching Game
Classifier or Generator Survey
Classifier or Generator

Unit 2: GANS

TopicRequired LinksHelpful Resources (for Teachers)
What are GANs?
• Classifying Algorithms
• Generative AI
• GANs
• Examples of GANs
• How GANs are used
Main Script
Main Slides
GANs or Not
Exploring GANs
More GANs Exploration
Understanding GANs
Art Breeder
Gen Studio
Obvious Art
GANs Class at Media Lab
New GANs Research from DeepTrace

Examples of GANs:
Video and Script
Jimmy Fallon Deepfake Election Videos
Bot Scripts
PetSwap Demo
Beat Blender
Write with Transformer
Magenta Tensorflow
Arbitrary Image Transfer
Article Written by ML
Generator vs. Discriminator
• Generator
• Discriminator
Main Script
Main Slides
GAN Game
Unanticipated Consequences of Technology
• Unanticipated Consequences of Various Technologies
• Consequences
Main Script
Main Slides
Game 1 (Book Reports)
Game 2 (Lady GAN)
Game 3 (Photo Editing)
AI Generated Art
• Art
• GANs
• Art Creator
• Art owner
• Art by GANs
Main Script
Main Slides
GANs Art!
Art or Not
What are Deepfakes?
• Deepfakes
• Example of Deepfakes
• How to Detect Deepfakes
• Implications of Deepfakes
Main Script
Main Slides
Face Art
Spotting Deepfakes Pre-Test
Spotting Deepfakes Post-Test
Spotting Deepfakes Answers
Intro to Deepfakes
Rise of Deepfakes

Deepfakes and Fake News

Cat and Mouse Game (New York Times)

Deepfakes and the Threat of Truth

Three Threats Posed by Deepfakes

How to Spot Deepfakes

5 Resources to Keep Up with Deepfakes

Legal Implications:
Texas Bill

California Bill

House Bill (not yet passed)
How does Misinformation Spread?
• Spread of misinformation
• Fake News
• Six Key Features of Misinformation
Main Script
Main Slides
Misinformation Game
Deepfakes and Fake News
• DeepTrace Trust in Digital Media
Generate a Story
• Text Generation
• AI Art
• Creativity with AI
Main Script
Main Slides
Storytelling with GANs

Unit 3: AI + My Future

TopicRequired LinksHelpful Resources (for Teachers)
Environmental Impact of AI
• Computational Cost of AI
• Environmental Cost of AI
• Inequity in Access to AI
Main Script
Main Slides
Redesign YouTube
• Recommender Systems
• Ethical Matrix
• Algorithm Goal
• Datasets
• Mitigating Bias
Main Script
• Main Slides
Careers in AI
• Expression through music and art
• Identifying personality traits
• Career Interests
• Possible Career Goals
• What STEM Is
• STEM Jobs
• Diversity in STEM
• AI in Future Jobs
• People Working with AI
Main Script
Main Slides
Career Daydream Script
Soundtrack to My Life Script
Soundtrack to My Life Guide
Inventory of Me Script
Inventory of Me Worksheet
Planting the Seeds of STEM Jobs Script
Planting the Seeds of STEM Jobs Slides
AI's Impact on My Future Jobs Script
AI's Impact on My Future Jobs Slides
Personal Roadmap Assignment Slides
People in AI Fields Script
People in AI Fields Videos
Personal Roadmap to My Dream Jobs Script
Personal Roadmap to My Dream Jobs Guide